Sports Premium
The Department for Education has provided funding to provide new and substantial primary school sport funding. The aim of this funding is to improve the Physical Education (PE) and Sports program offered by primary schools, and is provided jointly by various government departments including Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. The funding allocated to schools will be ‘ring fenced’ – this means it can only be spent specifically on PE and sport in schools.
We are using our Sport Premium to improve the quality of PE and sport provision in the following ways:
- A specialist sports coach is employed for one full day a week to work alongside class teachers delivering P.E. The purpose of this is to provide support and guidance to class teachers with the aim of improving the overall quality of provision of P.E. in the school. The specialist sports coach also supports the P.E. co-coordinator to devise and implement whole school initiatives to improve general physical wellbeing in all children.
- Providing release cover staff to release teachers for professional development in PE and sport.
- Running sports competitions and increasing pupils’ participation in School Games.
- Purchasing more sports equipment for specific P.E. lessons and during playtimes; and for use in after school activities.
- Subsidising a variety of after school sports clubs that focus on sport to encourage all.
At Sunnyhill Primary School children are improving their agility and coordination in P.E. which will enable them to have more success when participating in a wider range of sports. A trial sample group of children improved their average time on an agility course by 5 seconds. Pupils also have access to a range of sport clubs where they not only learn a range of skills but also have the opportunity to inter-act with their peers, develop their self-esteem and take part in various competitions. We have a specialist PE teacher who works collaboratively with our teachers when teaching PE to improve and develop the quality of PE lessons.
For information on how we have spent the PE and Sports Premium Grant and the impact that it has had plus, information of how we plan to spend the grant in this current academic year, please open our attachments below.
Evidencing the Impact of Sport Premium 2023-2024