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Sunnyhill Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

It is the priority of the school to keep the children safe. Entry to the school is through designated entrances, where an entryphone system operates. All visitors are expected to wear appropriate ID or a visitor’s badge at all times when on the premises.

The admin team must be notified if a pupil goes home  at any time during the school day and children should be signed out at the school office. If alternative collection arrangements are made, the school office must be informed so that the information can be passed to the class teacher. We will not allow pupils to be collected by an unfamiliar person without contacting parents/carers first. Pupils in early years and KS1 may not be collected by KS2 siblings.

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please record your concern and any observations or conversation heard, and report it to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) as soon as possible.  We take safeguarding concerns seriously and will act in line with our policy.

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Sarah Wilson, DSL

Nicola Gentleman, Deputy DSL

Claire Trewhella, Deputy DSL

Pictures of our Designated Safeguarding Leads are displayed around the school.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy


Digital Safeguarding

Digital safeguarding includes educating pupils about online safety - how to keep them safe from harm when they use the internet and social media. This includes information about cyberbullying and what pupils should do if they experience it.

We know that many pupils bring a mobile phone to school to stay in touch with parents/carers during their journey. When pupils enter the school site, they should turn off their phone completely. It is then signed in and kept securely in the school office until the end of the school day. Pupils should not bring a phone to school before Year 5.

If you become aware of inappropriate behaviour outside school hours, involving pupils, please bring it to the attention of one of the deputy head teachers. In the event that the behaviour includes the sharing of inappropriate images, websites of cyberbullying, we would ask that you remove the phone from your child and contact school immediately.

Parents/carers are asked to limit their own mobile phone use on site. Whilst we acknowledge that you may need to take a call at the start or end of the day, we ask you to be ‘present’ with your child during that time. Staff may ask you to put your phone away if it is distracting you from supervising your child.

School staff will only use school devices to take pictures of pupils. The focus of these pictures is the activity taking place, not the child. Photos of pupils are regularly deleted and are not used without your permission.

Parents/carers should never take photos of pupils other than during performances. Any photos of pupils should centre around your own child and must not be shared on social media.


online trolling.pdf


Mobile Phone PolicyOnline Safety Policy